(At-twur) 52 : 41
أَمْ عِنْدَهُمُ الْغَيْبُ فَهُمْ يَكْتُبُونَ

Or with them have the unseen, thus they are writing It?

The ‘Unseen’ mentioned in this verse is the Three Time Knowledge Adhikr mentioned in the verse 2: 3. If this verse asks the disbelievers at the time of Messenger Muhammed, today the Fujjar who are following the Fujjar books are reading this question. But these Mujirims who do not utilise their intelligence for understanding the aim of life and who will be summoned in the Hellfire as deaf, blind and dumb have become a worthless people by forgetting Adhikr as explained in the verses 25: 17-18. As explained in the verse 9: 82, the verses they saw, heard, touched and read will argue and witness against them and will push them in to the hell. See explanation 2: 18; 25: 30-34; 43: 30-39; and 45: 28-32.